Lecture provided by:
Dr. Alan Kaplan
Doctor’s Bio
Dr. Alan Kaplan MD, CCFP(EM), FCFP
Chair Family Physician Airways Group of Canada
- Past Chair of Special Interest Focused Practice, College of Family Physicians in Respiratory Medicine
- Chronic pain consultant, Richmond Hill and Brampton Civic Hospital
- Vice President Respiratory Effectiveness Group
- Medical Director LHIN, Pulmonary Rehabilitation program
Tools for Smoking Cessation
Takeaways from the course:
- Review the epidemiology of smoking addiction
- Understand options to assist your patient in their smoking cessation journey
- Review data of vaping for smoking cessation
Upcoming Lectures

December Lecture: Office Emergencies part 2 – In office emergencies; office preparation and resources (Dr. Shulman)
Lecture provided by:Dr. Mitch Shulman MDCM,

December Lecture: Office Emergencies part 1 – Safety considerations for physician and staff (Dr. Shulman)
Lecture provided by:Dr. Mitch Shulman MDCM,